I just read the weirdest description of anti-semitism I’ve ever seen

I just read the weirdest description of anti-semitism I’ve ever seen: “[E]xcept perhaps the flying fish, there was no race existing on the earth, in the air, or the waters, who were the object of such an unintermitting, general, and relentless persecution as the Jews of this period.” (from Ivanhoe by Walter Scott)

A quick search turns up nothing about medieval views of flying fish, so I’m still baffled — but I did find the Bosch VR app which purportedly lets one explore Hieronymous Bosch’s painting The Garden Of Earthly Delights in 3D: “allowing viewers to ride a flying fish through the Garden of Eden, endure illicit temptation and be transported into Bosch’s terrifying vision of hell.”

♫ “Livin’ Off The Land” by the Holy Modal Rounders

♫ “Livin’ Off The Land” by the Holy Modal Rounders

“We will have a pet raccoon / Maybe we’ll have two / If you ask me real nice / I’ll let ’em sleep with you” I actually met someone who had a pet raccoon once — he walked right into the office with it on his shoulder.

“Hey boppa, livin’ off the land / Hey boppa, livin’ off the land / Hey boppa, livin’ off the land / Isn’t nature grand”

[Bernie] lost this election by more votes than can be explained by the things that people are concerned about — the voting irregularities, or the DNC. If it was closer, we might have done something differently, but there is no choice. It’s not like we’re stopping because we want to. We’re stopping because those are the rules of the game. That’s democracy.

— Jane Sanders in a badly-titled Rolling Stone interview