Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus p.8

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus page 8

Finished this one at 1:34 AM, exactly an hour after the previous page.

My roommates at SPX this year liked to have the TV on, and at some point they turned to wrestling, which I hadn’t seen in years. It, uh…made quite an impression.

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus p.7

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus page 7

Finished this one at 12:34 pm, after working on the other section for a while, walking around the library, and going out for some food. After that I set up shop on the main floor instead of the basement, where I’d started.

I’d originally wanted to show the characters going after these items as a group, but realized I didn’t have enough space and condensed it down to what you see here (not that I had it planned out in any detail).

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus p.6

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus page 6

I completed this page at 8:30 PM. Most pages probably took me around 45 minutes to actually draw, but then there was planning, deciding, eating, taking breaks, and just plain goofing off, which is where some of the longer spans between page completions came from.

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus p.5

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus page 5

I completed this page at 6:54 PM, which sounds like I was falling way behind, but that’s because I started drawing pages out of sequence. Thanks to that bit of planning I did up front, when I started feeling bogged down I could skip around. This also helped me make sure the most important parts of the story made it in, since I didn’t have the best sense of how much space things would take up. I basically ended up bouncing between two moving points in the story until they met up, then drew the end pages.

Anyway, after the last page, I finished the next one I drew at 4:25 PM, which means I was actually closing the gap between where I was and where I needed to be.

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus p.3

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus page 3

Page 3, finished at 2:51 PM. I wanted the main character to look a little like Harry Potter, but unfortunately he looks like Young Cartoon Me. The glasses and haircut are different from mine, but I guess people with glasses all look alike – especially when you draw them in a simple cartooning style.

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus p.1

Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus page 1

Here’s the first page of my third 24-hour comic, successfully completed in 23 hours. This was drawn as part of the Trees & Hills 24 Hour Comics Day event in Montpelier, VT. The library interior & exterior on this page are based on the Kellogg-Hubbard Library, where the event was held. The event started at 11:00 AM, but I took an hour to do a little story planning, so I started drawing at 12:18 and finished this page at 12:57. I figured the time spent planning would save me time later, which I think was  true.

I didn’t finish the next Headville page in time for today, but that will appear Thursday, and Headville will continue to update on Mondays & Thursdays. I’ll post pages from “Sam and the Prophecy of the Allrus” on the remaining weekdays until “Spring in Headville” finishes, then post “Sam and the Prophecy…” every weekday until it’s done. After that I’ll go back to Monday & Thursday updates of whatever’s next.