The footer now turns into a sidebar on the homepage on larger screens
The footer now turns into a sidebar on the homepage on larger screens. It stays a footer on other pages to keep focus on the main content.
Oops, accidentally reposted a bunch of stuff to Facebook while experimenting with Twitter. Sorry about that!
♫ “Sugar in the Gourd” by the Holy Modal Rounders
I have shortlinks now
I have shortlinks now! You’ll see one below this post, next to the permalink which is next to the tags. WordPress currently shows them like
but you can use my short domain like
(making WordPress use my short domain in the links requires rooting around that I don’t feel like doing now, and the plugin that makes it easy has a bug that wrongly reroutes some posts).
Why shortlinks? I want to put them on some comics so people can easily reach the web version, plus I might use them to link my silo posts back here.
Redid the site header
Redid the site header:
– Shrank and bolded site title.
– Brought vertical spacing in line with rest of site.
– Adjusted horizontal spacing.
– Made header max-width same as main content area.
– Search box has new, single size. Would like to make it more elastic but it’s good enough for now.
– Put search above nav in the source file so I could fit it next to the title on small screens instead of squashing in the nav.
– Fiddled w/ search box corner radius.
– Fixed an annoying, seemingly intractable bug where the title and nav sat on different baselines in certain views; turned out the nav list items were set to display: block
& float: left
; changed ’em to unfloating inline-block and *mwah!*
It could still use some tweaking but I’m really pleased with the header now. It occupies a single line even on 7″ screens; takes two on phones but looks better doing it than it did before. I eventually want to make the site title handwritten but I dread the image-sizing issues it may entail.
♫ “The Abyss” by EB1 & Keaton should warm you up
♫ “The Abyss” by EB1 & Keaton should warm you up — like running from a snow troll ;) (Skip to ~1:20 if impatient.)
Drum and bass music is now older than I was when I got into it o.O
Drum and bass music is now older than I was when I got into it o.O
Month & year archives now have links to the next & previous time periods thanks to the Adjacent Archive Links plugin
Re: “I’ve started improving my archive pages”
Month & year archives now have links to the next & previous time periods thanks to the Adjacent Archive Links plugin.
I’ve started improving my archive pages
I’ve started improving my archive pages, but WordPress makes it harder than it should be >:-( So far they now show all posts instead of paginating and have better page title styling (e.g. November 2014 & #Halloween).
I started using Firefox years ago because it was a better browser than Internet Explorer
I started using Firefox years ago because I liked it better than Internet Explorer, the only major browser at the time. I’ve come to further like it because it’s made by a nonprofit devoted to keeping the web open and free, against the trends of centralization and surveillance.
“Mozilla makes the only popular browser that is open source, uncompromised by commercial parentage and on the side of the individual.” — Doc Searls, “Hats Off to Mozilla” (h/t Tantek Çelik)
More site updates
More site updates:
* On Comics: Fixed broken links, tidied markup, changed from double column to single w/ section links for better small-screen experience (eventually I want to have it be 2-column on larger screens again).
* Marked up my “About” footer as an h-card so machines can dig it too.
* Enlarged page titles after noticing they were same size as second-level headings.
Improved display of the sidebar
Improved display of the sidebar, which is now officially the footer (I might want to make it the sidebar on the homepage & maybe indexes on larger screens, but it’s not a priority). Gave it a border, fixed the alignment, & filled it with info about me (replacing the “About” page), how to follow / contact me, colophon, & copyright. Guess I still had some momentum after fulfilling my little Indieweb commitment :)
♫ “Hare and a Pine” by Mendelayev
I finally fixed this site’s single post display
I finally fixed this site’s single post display as promised:
- Moved date above title on articles
- Moved date before tags on comics
- Hid title on notes, pics, & comics
- Add margin/padding to small-screen view of elements below main post
Small but satisfying 2015-01-01 Indieweb commitment fulfilled! :)