More site updates

More site updates:

* On Comics: Fixed broken links, tidied markup, changed from double column to single w/ section links for better small-screen experience (eventually I want to have it be 2-column on larger screens again).
* Marked up my “About” footer as an h-card so machines can dig it too.
* Enlarged page titles after noticing they were same size as second-level headings.

h-card validator doesn’t check address

Re: Issues · indieweb/indiewebify-me

The h-card validator appears not to check for address properties (p-locality, etc; see indiewebifyme’s view of my h-card vs. glenn jones’ parser’s). @tantek told me in #indiewebcamp that it just checks the bare minimum for indeweb; I think it’d be great if it checked everything but if not a note explaining what it does check would prevent confusion.

[Discuss at Github]

Distinguish links to nonexistent pages

Re: Issues · indieweb/wiki

The default theme doesn’t visually distinguish links to nonexistent pages from links to existing pages, so if you mistype a link you won’t know it’s wrong unless you click on it. I had a bunch of wrong links on my user page (didn’t realize capitalization mattered) and only noticed when I tried on a different theme (Simple) & suddenly a bunch of them had strikethrough.

The Teahouse theme (which works so much better on my phone!) doesn’t distinguish either.

[Discuss at Github]