99 Doodles 13: Pirate Parade

Here’s another comic I have work in, and it’s quite an unusual project. JB Winter sent his “Izzy the Mouse” character on a tour of the United States with the help of one cartoonist from each state. Each artist received a card with a drawing of Izzy in some pose, with instructions to fill in the action, background, and a caption describing what Izzy did in their state. There are some pretty creative interpretations (all quite “family-friendly”). It’s only $1.00 postage paid for a 16 page, 5.5″ x 8.5″ tour of the U.S. – vacations don’t come much cheaper! For more info, follow the link to Izzy Challenge #5: 50 States Jam: Izzy Tours America.
I haven’t read the other Izzy Challenges, but they sound interesting. I have read Winter’s solo minicomic Noodle (issues #1 & 2), and it is worth checking out.
99 Doodles 12: Bigfoot vs. the UFOs
The Always Comix “Activity” issue, featuring a page by me (sample) and many other cool activity comics, is out now! I got my copy at the Philly Zine Fest; you should get your copy here. Contains 2 recipes, 2 paper doll things, 2 spiritual practices, a mad lib comic, a maze, and so much more! Contributors include Falynn Koch, Jeremy Tinder, Will Kirkby, Josh Blair, Colin Tedford, Matt Wiegle, Alvaro Lopez, Colleen MacIsaac, Amanda Kirk, L. Nichols, Ed Moorman, Box Brown, Alisa Harris, Josh P.M., Joe Decie, Erin Griffin, and Sarah Wahrhaftig.
I also co-edited and have a piece in the new Trees & Hills anthology Seeds, which will appear for sale online soon. And coming soon to an online shop near you: Before Sleep #3 & #4, now back in print.
99 Doodles 11: Abstract Garden
Buy it Sold.
Here’s a quick flyer I made for Trees & Hills. When we get some more stuff worked out, I’ll draw up a little ‘Intro to T&H’ mini. Sorry for the crummy scan, but I just finally got the hang of scanning black & white properly, never mind color.
99 Doodles 10: Broccoli Tower (This image appears on the cover of the recipe booklet that comes with Trees & Hills‘ food-themed anthology Seeds.)
Buy it Sold.
This comic appears in Square Dance #3.
99 Doodles 09: Basement Boy
Wow, I’ve been busy. This past weekend’s Boston Zine Fair was excellent. This coming Saturday 9/27, I’ll be tabling for Trees & Hills at the Winchester Pickle Festival, and maybe doing pickle-themed caricatures or something.
Sunday 10/5 I’ll be tabling at the Philly Zine Fest in a place called the Rotunda.
99 Doodles 08: Teapot Fish
Here’s a sample panel of a one page comic I submitted to the Always Comix “Activity” issue. I sent it in at the very last minute and haven’t heard back, so I’m not sure if I made it in; if I didn’t, I’ll post the whole thing later. If you’d like to see the whole thing, you can buy it from the Always Comix folk at SPX, or right after that at the Philly Zine Fest. I won’t be at SPX (sad!), but I will be at the Philly Zine Fest. I will also have a table at the Winchester Pickle Festival September 27, so you should come check that out; just be careful not to get pickle juice on the comics.
99 Doodles 07: Canteen Fish
Here is the first of four pages I contributed to Trees & Hills‘ forthcoming food-themed anthology, Seeds.
Later I shout less, there is a big fire, and we learn a little about the wonders of industrial agriculture. Seeds debuts September 20 at the Boston Zine Fair, and is not only full of cool comics, but also comes with a recipe booklet and actual organic vegetable seeds for planting!
99 Doodles 06