The Eternal Soup p.8 (the end!)

The Eternal Soup page 8


This is Comic Rehab Ripoff Round #6. For anyone to whom this wasn’t already apparent, I didn’t use any pencils on The Eternal Soup, just felt-tip on business cards – not necessarily the best approach for something that was originally intended to be a calling card, but whatever. Four days hence: the final round of the Comic Rehab Ripoff! What will it bring?

(This comic appears in Candy Or Medicine #3.)

The Eternal Soup p.7

The Eternal Soup page 7

Join me four days hence for the “thrilling” conclusion! This is Round #5 of the Comic Rehab Ripoff, which has so far done a better-than-expected job of motivating me. And now that I think about it, there are diary cartoonists out there who draw four panels every darn day – so that is a goal I plan to aim for. I think after Rehab maybe I will try to do at least two and work my way up.

Another nice thing about Rehab is that it’s forcing me to scan on a regular basis.

(This comic appears in Candy Or Medicine #3.)

The Eternal Soup (p. 1-5)

The Eternal Soup page 1
The Eternal Soup page 2
The Eternal Soup page 3
The Eternal Soup page 4
The Eternal Soup page 5

6/1/10 – Sorry, I know this format doesn’t work great with the new navigation. Click here for next page >

I started drawing this business-card-sized comic some time ago, then let it languish…until now. Thanks, Comic Rehab Ripoff! There are 3 pages left to draw (though at this point I don’t know if I feel like going to the trouble of making the tiny minicomic – I may just print as 4 pages of a quarter-size mini with some other stuff). The first new panel is the last one on page 4 (with the hypnotic yeti); page 5 is all new. It’s all drawn on the back of outdated business cards (4 cards of art to shrink to 1 card-size page).

(This comic appears in Candy Or Medicine #3.)

Webwork: New Illustration & Sketchblog!

I’ve been working on the website, as might be obvious. The main big thing is I’ve set up a new section for sketches & illustrations. It is it’s own blog to make it easier for people (especially those looking to pay for drawings) to find things. I’m happy to have finally started sketching from life on a pretty regular basis, so once I’m caught up scanning & posting it’ll also function as a sort of sketch-journal.

Note the doohickey in the sidebar which announces the latest Sketch & Illustration post; the LiveJournal doohickey has been demoted because most of the content there will be copied from other places (including Sketch & Illo, once I’ve posted all the stuff I’ve scanned to date). I’ll still occasionally post personal notes or preview pages on the LJ, though, so keep an eye on it if that’s your sort of thing.

The Comic Rehab Ripoff

There’s this nifty website called Comic Rehab, where 4 cartoonists at a time sign up and commit to draw at least 4 panels every 4 days for 4 weeks, in the hopes of kickstarting their productivity. Dragon Green wanted to take part but there weren’t any openings, so she decided to just do it herself, and put out a call for a few others to join her. I said, “What the heck,” and so did Jennifer Ruggiero and Patrick and now this Saturday (tomorrow!) we each need to have 4 panels. I just drew February’s Spinning World, but I have things set up now so those don’t post until the appropriate month, so I’ll have to do something else tomorrow. You can watch us all here.

Off To A Bad Start

So much for keeping to my update schedule. 2008 has been pretty terrible to me so far; I kicked off the year with a nasty cold, and things went downhill from there. Anyway, I think things have pretty much stabilized, so I hope to get back on track this coming week. ‘Til then, I hope your year has been going better than mine!

Update 2014-06-21: This was originally posted to Downpower, a secondary blog I maintained briefly some years ago and have now merged into the main site.

[formerly at]

Walden, and the dryer update

Well, I missed some posting there over the holidays – but it’s a new year, so off we go!

I borrowed Walden from the library recently, and have been enjoying it, though so far the first chapter (“Economy”) is still my favorite. He presents the values of simple living most clearly there, whereas the rest of the book so far (I’m not quite halfway through) seems more just musing around. Here’s a nice quote:

“I cannot believe that our factory system is the best mode by which men may get clothing. the conditions of the operatives is becoming every day more like that of the English; and it cannot be wondered at, since, as far as I have heard or observed, the principal object is, not that mankind may be well and honestly clad, but, unquestionably, that the corporations may be enriched. In the long run men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, though they should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high.”

If you’d like to read some Thoreau, his complete works are online as free PDFs through the Thoreau Institute at Walden Woods Digital Archive, and some of them are available in plain text at Project Gutenberg.

Dryer update: After a bit of experimentation, I seem to be able to get most of my clothing dry with 35 minutes of low heat. A few items (heavy things) may still be damp, but static electricity seems nonexistent, except for an occasional item. I’m going to try to minimize the synthetics in my wardrobe, which over time should cut down on the static in my life. I don’t think adding aluminum foil balls does anything, which I suppose makes sense since the inside of the dryer is metal, and that doesn’t dispel the static.

[formerly at]