“The vole clock is a method of dating archaeological strata using vole teeth.” — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vole#Vole_clock
I don’t use a lot of strong language
I don’t use a lot of strong language, but when Daylight Savings comes, I reach for the f-word.
FIE on Daylight Savings Time.
Yoda birthday card for my sister

Yoda birthday card I drew for my sister.
Drum and bass music is now older than I was when I got into it o.O
Drum and bass music is now older than I was when I got into it o.O
End of month productivity report
Well, my first month trying to draw a half-page of finished comics every weekday has passed. How did it go?
Drawing a half-page every weekday would have yielded me 11 pages in September; I actually drew 15.25. Not bad! Except I hit 11 pages before the month was half-over because of a procrastination-induced marathon and some fun drawing at SPX, so it wasn’t steady production. In the second half of the month I fell a bit short of the target rate, skipping some days and drawing a little extra on others.
Still, though it didn’t go quite as smoothly as I’d hoped, I drew more often than I had been before. I published the last issue of Square Dance at the end of May, and from the beginning of June through the end of August, I drew 8 finished pages of comics – so I’ve definitely improved. October will have a spike in page count because tomorrow is 24 Hour Comics Day, but beyond that I hope to just keep drawing steadily.
TIME & 24 Hour Comics Day
Behold, the latest Trees & Hills anthology: TIME! 64 pages of comics about time, co-edited by me and containing my 5-page story “Take Your Time” and Daniel Barlow‘s 4-page “Great Moments In Time,” which I drew, plus a comics-filled calendar with 5 comics by me (4 Spinning World + 1 new strip), available now for online purchase.
Speaking of time, on Saturday October 2 I’ll be participating in the Trees & Hills 24 Hour Comics Day event. Come see a library full of people racing to draw 24 pages in 24 hours, and pick up a copy of TIME while you’re at it!
Another new routine – progress
Last blog post I mentioned my desire to draw at least a finished half-page of comics every weekday, which seems like a do-able pace and would produce way more comics than I have been (I count a page as art meant to be printed at 5.5″ x 8.5″). I decided this in August, didn’t do it, then decided I would start at the beginning of September. With half of September over, I’ve sat down to do the math and see where I’m at.
If I’d stuck to my schedule, I would have at least 5.5 finished pages by now.
I didn’t stick to my schedule at all, in part because of procrastination from stress about finishing the new Trees & Hills anthology.
Instead, I drew…
9/7: Daniel Barlow’s comic for TIME (4 pgs)
9/8: My comic for TIME (5 pgs) + a calendar page for TIME (0.5 page)
9/12: part of a jam minicomic (1 pg) + part of another mini (1 pg)
…for a total of 11.5 pages, twice the minimum I should have by now! I guess that sort of makes up for being off-schedule. Erratic bursts don’t help me in the long run, though, so here’s to the slow and steady accumulation of finished comics pages.
Take Your Time p.2
Here’s a preview of my 5-page contribution to the latest Trees & Hills anthology, TIME.
Take Your Time p.1
Here’s a preview of my 5-page contribution to the latest Trees & Hills anthology, TIME.
Great Moments In Time page 1
Not to be confused with my own “Great Moments In Nuclear History“, here is the first of 4 pages I drew for Trees & Hills co-founder Daniel Barlow for our imminently forthcoming anthology TIME. His original artist bailed on him again, so once again I filled in at the last minute for him. I’m especially happy with how this page came out, considering the time constraints.
How It Happens
Mechanical Time
Maybe I’ll get along better with time if I keep drawing comics about it?