A jam drawing with Anne Thalheimer, drawn the same night as the Monster Party and the Graveyard Party (you may notice some consistency of theme here; that’s because we are Great Artists).
Graveyard Party
Another comics jam with Anne Thalheimer — I drew the first panel, she did the second, and so one.
I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day if I can help it, but here’s a sort of relevant comic anyway:
Interview at The Cartoon Picayune
The Cartoon Picayune interviewed me about “The Story of Jake Tuesday“, which ran in their fourth issue.
Rob Clough says Jake Tuesday is fascinating
Colin Tedford’s “The Story of Jake Tuesday” is fascinating for the way it celebrates a bit of local culture and history, and how the titular character who inspired the yearly celebration found that the holiday transcended his own particular tale of life and death.
— Rob Clough, in his review of The Cartoon Picayune and The Illustrated Press (link added to quote by me).
A Vampire Pickle could be hanging on your fridge!
I turned one of the most dramatic panels from “Midnight Snack” into a magnet you can buy!
Monster Party
A jam comic I drew with monster hat maven Anne Thalheimer (she drew the first panel, I did the second, and so on):
Birthday Book Cover
I drew this as a birthday gift for Daniel Barlow, who besides co-founding Trees & Hills with me also photographs cemeteries as one half of Green Mountain Graveyards:
Wedding Comic
I drew this as a wedding gift for a friend of mine who really likes moose (and for her fiance spouse, too, of course):
Bonus: while searching for reference pictures I found an adorably wonky but enthusiastic “I Love Moose” site and learned about an experimental moose farm in Russia!
Holiday Tour
It’s holiday craft fair time, so I’m hitting the road three weekends in a row to spread cheer and goodwill in comics form!
- Dec 1: Craftershock, Worcester, MA
- Dec 8-9: Indie Garage Sale, Utica, NY
- Dec 15: Stars & Skulls Craft Fair, Northampton, MA
Remember to Vote Today!
Disco Minimix
Here’s an interactive disco playlist to tide you over while you wait for comics (“interactive” because you’ll have to adjust the volume between every song).
Jammin’ in Minneapolis
A little over I week ago I rode the bus to Minneapolis to visit friends and do a bunch of other stuff.

Minneapolis skyline
On July 5 I attended the monthly comics jam put on by the founding branch of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy in Minneapolis. I had a good time as we each added panels to the “story”, though I didn’t realize ’til the end that each page was meant to be part of a larger whole – oops. If you dare, you can view the results (PDF, and content warning for occasional cussing, incoherence, & rudeness). I slipped upstairs from the jam for a while to visit Big Time Attic, the studio of Kevin and Zander Cannon (no relation to each other; current project: Double Barrel). Zander was out of town, but Kevin graciously showed me around and chatted with me for a while. When I returned, Conspiracy founder Steven Stwalley had arrived. I met him on my last visit to the Twin Cities in 2009, and it was nice to see him again. I came away from the evening with copies of the Big Funny and Just Add Ink anthologies, and left New England comics in my wake – a veritable cultural exchange!
Before and after the jam I spent my time juggling day-job work (it’s portable!) and the first day of CONvergence, a four-day science-fiction & fantasy convention my hosting friends attend every year (the nominal reason for the trip) – more on that later.
Ever wonder how blueberries get around? Wonder no more; I found the answer on Interstate 94 in Wisconsin:
I saw this from a bus and was happy to see that blueberries use mass transit, too!
Minnesota dreamin’
The recent spate of comics must abate briefly, as I prepare to spend the first three weeks of July in the greater Minneapolis area. So many preparations! Here’s some music to transport you on wings of polka to the leftmost of the Twin Cities: