Xmas Tree vs. Menorah Holiday Card
I have a holiday card for sale!
When you’re thankful
It’s Thanksgiving! Time to dust off the Thanksgiving comics. Remember how the European colonists thanked the Indians for helping them survive — by killing and stealing from them? Let’s try to express our gratitude more appropriately than that.
Holiday Tour 2013
Upcoming events I’m tabling at:
- 12/1 in Northampton, MA: Stars & Skulls Crafty Craft Fair
- 12/7 in Worcester, MA: Craftershock
- 12/14 in Easthampton, MA: Return of Lowbrow
I’ll have wacky holiday cards and magnets in addition to the usual delightful array of comics. Put on your tuque and come have a look!
Summer in Headville p.6
Me and Weird Al
I met “Weird Al” Yankovic! I’m the one in green looking like a dazed sweathog; my friend Keith (in red) more visibly reflects my delight in this picture. I think Al looks pretty pleased to meet us ;)
For better or worse Weird Al is one of my formative influences, so it was a thrill to finally see him in concert and meet him (even after a long day of travel and art fair tabling and half a week of short sleep, and even for just a quick greet / sign / photo). Of course I gave him a comic, ’cause that’s what I do.
Summer in Headville p.5
Summer in Headville p.4
Summer in Headville p.3
Summer in Headville p.2
Dedicated and/or retentive readers may experience deja vu in the latter part of this page (and the top of the next).
Cheap Art Show hours
Six of my thirteen drawings in the Cheap Art Show sold at the opening; you can still see the rest (and get cheap art by me and others):
- Friday 31 May, 4 to 7 pm
- Saturday 8 June, 12 to 4 pm
- Friday 14 June, 4 to 7 pm
- Saturday 15 June, 2 to 6 pm
The show is at Paper City Performance Space, 460 Race St., Holyoke, MA. Here’s a photo of the building taken by fellow exhibitor Jim DuBois (you may find the photo slightly eerie on account of the mysterious hooded figure near the building; I find it eerie because I was the mysterious hooded figure and didn’t realize I was being photographed!).
Affordable Art A-Go-Go
I’ll have art in Paper City Performance Space’s Cheap Art Show in Holyoke, MA — join me at the opening reception tomorrow (May 25) from 2-7 PM.
On June 8 I’ll be tabling at the estimable Broke: The Affordable Art Fair in Peterborough, NH.
Summer in Headville p.1
As the sun rises, a farmer loads boxes of vegetables into her pickup truck and drives away from the farm. She passes two unicyclists; going through a suburb, she sees a man pushing a lawnmower with his mouth. In the city, she is one of many vendors at the farmers market.
There is an ice-cream truck nearby. A curly-haired man approaches it and buys a cone (passing the money on his tongue and carrying the cone with his bottom lip. He lays down in the park and (having presumably bitten off the bottom cone) holds the cone upright in his mouth waiting for the ice cream to melt and leak out the bottom into his mouth.
The Port Report
Had a nice time at MeCAF: had good conversations with old & new acquaintances (including two nonfiction-makers), acquired what looks so far like a pretty good bunch of comics, and enjoyed Portland and its surroundings. Sales were a little lower than I’d expect from such a show but were OK (which is normal for MeCAF). Vampire Pickle magnets were popular. I didn’t bother to meet special guest Jeff Smith because I knew the line would be huge and I’d nothing to say beyond “I really liked Bone!” — but he ended up next to me at the night-before reception saying, “Hi, I’m Jeff; who are you?” so I had a nice little chat with him (OMGHBBBLL). He seems quite friendly and nice.
Feedback on my work at the show included: Some laughter at the humor (a nice perk of working in a genre meant to provoke an involuntary reaction). One fellow cartoonist said my drawing style reminded them of Quentin Blake and another said the history bits in Square Dance reminded them of Hark! A Vagrant; both nice to hear, though I don’t mistake “reminds me of” for “is as good as”. Best of all was a description of a piece as “well-timed” from an accomplished cartoonist whose fine qualities include superb timing.
Spring Tour 2013
I’m appearing at events every weekend this month:
- Sat. May 4, Rochester, NH: Rochester Free Comic Book Day Festival
- Sat. May 11, Easthampton, MA: Art Farm at Captain Jack’s Roadside Shack
- Sun. May 19, Portland, ME: Maine Comics Arts Festival (MeCAF)
- Sat. May 25, Holyoke, MA: Cheap Art Show opening at Paper City Performance Space