#Winchester NH
Yesterday’s sunset in Winchester
Yesterday’s sunset in Winchester.
Past old wooden buildings with dingy paint and dark windows
A baby blue sky behind a warm pastel cloud behind a forest of mixed fall foliage behind a dark green stretch of grass
All was dark except
Visit Me at Winchester Pickle Festival this Saturday
Celebrate with me as I finally return* to the most convenient event I’ve ever tabled at — the Winchester Pickle Festival, right here in Winchester, NH this Saturday, September 27 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM!
You get not only me and the fabulous Trees & Hills comics booth, but all this:
The event kicks off at 10:00 am with a parade! […] Nelson town band, Winchester town band, northern ridge rythm band, weathered roads country band, junction 1-3-5 quartet, mavericks line dancers. Free pickles, homemade pickle judging, pickle eating contests!
Mr. Pickle actually exists! He doesn’t look like that drawing above, though; he is our State Representative Henry Parkhurst in an eye-popping green suit and bowler.
* Last time was in 2008, the year before MICE started; luckily MICE (where I’m also tabling) changed its date this year. ^