Hoo ha I finally finished moving all my…

Hoo-ha! I finally finished moving all my comics images and turned off Webcomic! Now I get to figure out which theme to use. No matter what I pick it’ll need some changes; for now I’m using Mercury, but I need to finish reviewing some others. I also need to get the comics navigation back up, but I think it can wait for a day.

Update (~10 minutes later): Switched to Publish for now (Mercury’s great, though! Hoping to use it for Trees & Hills as a collaboration tool if not for the main blog).

I’m about 1/4 done copying my comic images from the obsolete version of the Webcomic plugin that I run to regular ol’ blog posts. Looking forward to finishing this dull task so I can install a new theme that works better on small screens.

Today I made basic navigation for the comics* in preparation for deactivating the Webcomic plugin, which is a step toward moving off of WordPress. They’re both lovely, but I want stop storing my stuff in a database and present as much of my site as possible as static HTML. I have a lot of backlogged and new plans for this site brewing; I also have some other obligations that take priority, but I’m giving myself permission to peck away at it a little.

*(which I should remove next time because it’s redundant right now)