Online Exhibit at Greylock Arts

Check it out – Greylock Arts of North Adams, MA has put up an online exhibit (with in-person viewing kiosks) of Hourly Comics made by Trees & Hills folk last year (including, of course, me):

“Hourly Comics Day 2008: A group exhibition of Hourly Comics created by the Trees and Hills Comics Group on February 1st, 2008


Hourly Comic Day is an event where cartoonists from all over the world draw a journal comic for each hour they are awake. The guidelines are simple: “For every hour that you are awake on february first (that’s february first for whatever time zone you happen to be in), you make a comic describing something about the past hour. Maybe you ate some cereal? Maybe you used the restroom? Say you wake up at 7am. make a comic some time before it becomes 8am! then after 8am, make a comic before it becomes 9am!”

Colin Tedford and Daniel Barlow, co-founders of The Trees & Hills Comics Group put the word out to their group. Members of the Trees and Hills group took on the challenge of the hourly comic. This exhibit is a collection of some of the local comics created that day.

View Exhibit

A kiosk for viewing both exhibitions will be available at MCLA Gallery51, 51 Main Street, North Adams MA. Gallery51 is open Monday-Sunday 10-5 pm.”


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