Hey, kids! It’s time for more…GREAT MOMENTS IN NUCLEAR HISTORY.
This comic appears in Square Dance #3.
Hey, kids! It’s time for more…GREAT MOMENTS IN NUCLEAR HISTORY.
This comic appears in Square Dance #3.
99 Doodles 05: Rampant Crab
This one’s not for sale because I gave it to a Cancerian friend, but it appears on the back cover of Square Dance #3.
September 20-21 I will be tabling at the Boston Zine Fair. It’s a great, diverse event with a lot of cool exhibitors, and it costs nothing to attend – so come on down! Location: Art Institute of Boston, 601 Newbury Street (near Kenmore Square), Boston, MA 02215
October 5 I will be tabling and representing Trees & Hills at the Philly Zine Fest. It’ll be my first time there, so come on out and wish me luck! Location: The Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
99 Doodles 04: Portrait
I had a great time at the Trees & Hills Planning Retreat in Henniker, NH this weekend. We crafted a shiny new “mission statement” and did lots of other Important Planning – but not much comics drawing. Maybe I will have something to post tonight.
99 Doodles 03: Sandwich
Buy it Sold.
I have decided to post a new installment of “99 Doodles” every Thursday – easy enough.
To balance that out, I have decided to post something else each Monday, like a comic or some news – easy enough, really.
On Sunday going into Monday, I had nothing to post, so I drew a little comic – easy enough, but now it’s late, so I will scan it later. It should be up by Tuesday.
Have a good day!
99 doodles 02: Monster Statue
This one is gone, too. But the next one? Totally for sale.
The final issue of Before Sleep includes sketchbook strips about Biff the Pineapple Demon Goddess, “Headville”, The Library Of The Lost, and ever so much more! “This is some really clever stuff!” – JB Winter “It’s rare that a mini has me, my wife, and my 8-year-old laughing!” – Doug McNamara
5.5″ x 4.25″, 32 pgs. Out of Print |
Vermont Yankee is an aging nuclear power plant in Vernon, VT, less than 10 miles from my home. It’s current (out-of-state) parent company, Entergy, secured approval to run the plant at 120% its original rated capacity, and is trying to extend its license 20 years past the original planned shutdown in 2012. Hopefully the numerous blatant maintenance failures they’ve experienced in the last couple years will help us prevent that. Just a couple weeks ago, the plant cut back to 25% capacity because the cooling towers sprang some leaks (yes, even the repaired one that’s supposed to be totally fine after fresh inspections).
On August 6 through 9, Citizens Awareness Network will have a Walk For A Nuclear-Free Future through Vermont in honor of Hiroshima Day and Nagasaki Day.
(EDIT 8/3: Several other groups are co-sponsoring the walk. Also, CAN is now going to use this comic and the text under it on a flyer to be given away during the walk. Cool!)
Spinning World appears in The Commons and TWIG.
This comic appears in Square Dance #3.
Until now, my print comics have been available through the Trees & Hills Comics Distro. Well, they’re still available there (along with lots of other cool regional comics), but starting Monday they will also be available right here at this very site, by clicking the “Shop” link in the menu! I will also be selling some original art and maybe other things. Items will first appear here on the front page for your convenience, and all items will be handily collected in the Shop. Whoa!
I am putting Downpower on hiatus. I started it before I was really ready, because I had just redesigned my website and felt I should put everything up while I was at it. Well, that didn’t work out too well! Hopefully I will resurrect it again later; in the meantime, thanks for reading!
Update 2014-06-21: I don’t have any plans to restart this project, so I’ve merged the posts & comments into my main blog and taken down the separate Downpower blog so I don’t have to maintain its WordPress installation.
(formerly at http://www.colintedford.com/downpower/2008/07/30/on-hiatus/)
Quite some time ago I declared my intention to participate in Anthony Woodward‘s 99 Doodles Challenge, and at long last I have not only drawn my first five Doodles, but scanned them, too. It is a pretty easygoing challenge, requiring only 99 drawings of some sort, with no time limit, and I have been very busy – so here we are. I have decided to do my doodles on 4″ x 6″ index cards, which should make them easy to frame; I plan to sell them for $10 each, except for this one. This one’s gone already.
Know what other nutty project I’m doing? You probably do since it’s right below this entry: Comics By Request!!!
As if I don’t have enough to do, I have decided I would like to do some Comics By Request – leave a comment with your comics request (subject, phrase, constraint, etc.), and I’ll draw the darn thing. For now I’m going to say that I’ll draw the first 10 requests I get, but I might change my mind and do more – I’d like to do this as a recurring thing. So…request away!