Singer: “Although I’m not rich and although I’m not poor / I’m as happy as those that’s got thousands or more.”
Group: “Thousands or more / Thousands or more / Thousands or more / I’m as happy as those that’s got thousands or more.”
Geoff Rogers says, “I like these events that mark the passing of the year … We used to have the planting season and they knew when the solstice was coming … when the shortest day was going to happen…”
“And even what that meant!” Jake adds.
“I think nowadays people are so far away from that – so isolated, ” says Geoff.
The evening nears its end as 10:00 PM passes. A departing guest wishes Jake a “Happy You Tuesday!”
Jake says, “Thanks! … I’m always glad to share it with you.”
Six months after his heart attack Jake – for whom math had always come naturally – was unable to do a sixth-grade long division problem.
“I’m a science teacher … I can do [long division] now, so it’s been neat to see the recovery, and there are a bunch of things that have helped me get better – Jake Tuesday being one of them.”
Bonus: watch a video from the very same Jake Tuesday celebration covered in this comic (courtesy of Adroyt)!
Update 2014-06-12: I should’ve mentioned earlier, you can get your own print copy of this comic in Square Dance #6 (a collection of my short comics) and The Cartoon Picayune #4 (an anthology of graphic journalism). You can also peek at my process behind the scenes in The Cartoon Picayune‘s interview with me.