Visit Me at Winchester Pickle Festival this Saturday

Celebrate with me as I finally return* to the most convenient event I’ve ever tabled at — the Winchester Pickle Festival, right here in Winchester, NH this Saturday, September 27 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM!

You get not only me and the fabulous Trees & Hills comics booth, but all this:

The event kicks off at 10:00 am with a parade! […] Nelson town band, Winchester town band, northern ridge rythm band, weathered roads country band, junction 1-3-5 quartet, mavericks line dancers. Free pickles, homemade pickle judging, pickle eating contests!

A panel from "Pickle Fest Faux Pas"

(c) 2006 Mark Martin (inspired by his visit to the Winchester Pickle Festival)

Mr. Pickle actually exists! He doesn’t look like that drawing above, though; he is our State Representative Henry Parkhurst in an eye-popping green suit and bowler.

* Last time was in 2008, the year before MICE started; luckily MICE (where I’m also tabling) changed its date this year. ^

Midnight Snack p.1

Midnight Snack page 1


[Scene: moonlit night]

[Voice from inside house] “So how did your trick-or-treating go?”

[Two girls are sorting their Halloween candy – a blonde girl in a grim reaper costume and a black-haired girl in a skeleton costume.]

Blonde girl: “Good – but look what that creepy house gave me.”

Black-haired girl: “A pickle?! That’s weird.”

Blonde girl: “Yeah. I guess I’ll put it in the fridge for now…”

Later…at midnight…[sleepy blonde girl, in her pajamas, opens the fridge – then looks wide-eyed in amazement. A pickle with arms, legs, and a face has been using its fangs to drain the ketchup bottle.]

Blond girl: “WHA-?! V- V- V- V-“

Get copies of “Midnight Snack” formatted as a minicomic to give to trick-or-treaters, Halloween party-goers, goblins, etc.!

Assembling the comic is pretty easy! Print the PDF double-sided at 100% (no scaling; don’t let the program “adjust to printer margins” or anything like that). Each copy of the file produces 4 copies of the comic; when you cut them apart, the pages will be in the right order for you to staple & fold. If using scissors instead of a papercutter, you may want to cut after folding. Staple in the center & fold. If you’re using a standard stapler, you may want to fold the comic before stapling or use a ruler to help find the center (at 2 3/4″). If using a long stapler, the measurement marks probably don’t go down to 2 3/4″, so line up a ruler with the one on the stapler to get the added measurement.