Redid the site header:

– Shrank and bolded site title.
– Brought vertical spacing in line with rest of site.
– Adjusted horizontal spacing.
– Made header max-width same as main content area.
– Search box has new, single size. Would like to make it more elastic but it’s good enough for now.
– Put search above nav in the source file so I could fit it next to the title on small screens instead of squashing in the nav.
– Fiddled w/ search box corner radius.
– Fixed an annoying, seemingly intractable bug where the title and nav sat on different baselines in certain views; turned out the nav list items were set to display: block & float: left; changed ’em to unfloating inline-block and *mwah!*

It could still use some tweaking but I’m really pleased with the header now. It occupies a single line even on 7″ screens; takes two on phones but looks better doing it than it did before. I eventually want to make the site title handwritten but I dread the image-sizing issues it may entail.


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