A Public Service Announcement page 1 (cropped)

Whoah, what’s going on here?! It looked like a sort of dull installment of Spinning World, and then it got all – all sexy?

This is most of the first page of my contribution to Big Sexy, an anthology I haven’t yet mentioned that I’m co-editing. The remaining pages are way sexier than anything heretofore shown on my little website, so if you want to see the rest you’ll have to get a copy of Big Sexy (to do which you’ll need to be a legal adult). It debuts this weekend at SPX (I’ll be there), and shortly thereafter will be available through Offshore Comix online and gradually through local retailers – a mere $6 for a whopping 92 pages!

Here’s the intro I wrote for the collection:

A society’s sexual art can reveal a lot about that society beyond the “basics” of what turns its people on – which I think is why some of us have such difficulty finding pornography we can enjoy without reservations. Modern mainstream porn is the porn of a sexist, racist, class-divided society.

We want something better.

The comics in this anthology express a variety of sexuality’s many aspects: social, solitary, fantastic, realistic, straight, gay, serious, humorous, and more. What they share in common is their spirit. The artists have each drawn on their interests and values to bring us something positive. They have presented sex in ways that make sense to them.

Together they present us something we hope is much more inclusive and enjoyable than the narrow visions so often sold to us as “sexy” – a Big Sexy, with room for everyone.

- A Public Service Announcement -
Comments (2)
  1. Oh, I see… This is not your grandfather’s Sexy… A kinder, gentler Sexy! (Oops, that political reference betrays my advanced age.) You really had me there for the first few panels… I was trying to see this working in the pages of your regular newsprint client! Ha!

  2. The Commons should totally have an All-Sexy News edition! Maybe in the winter, to warm things up. I can see it now, wrapped in brown paper…

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