Hi, welcome to the latest version of my website! I’ve finally gotten around to converting it to run on WordPress, so it should be much easier for me to update and maintain. Also, you can leave comments all over the place! I haven’t yet re-uploaded some of the older stuff because it’s a lower priority, but I suppose I’ll get around to it at some point (probably not ’til I convert the Trees & Hills website to WordPress, though). The biggest content changes are that the Before Sleep archives are no longer viewable online in their entirety (but there’s a book on the way!), and that I have a new blog (& eventually zine) project called Downpower, which is about my efforts to live a happier, simpler life using less energy and fewer resources (yes, it will include some comics & drawings). You should be able to subscribe to this front-page “blog” via RSS if that’s your cup of tea, and I plan to post regularly about what I’m up to. Cheers!
First post on the newly-redesigned site!