[Downpower] Introduction

[Update 2014-06-21: Downpower was a secondary blog I kept briefly and have now merged into the main site.]

Welcome to my brand new blog (and eventually zine), Downpower! Here’s what it’s all about:

As the end of the brief, intense Oil Age approaches, we are in for some big changes; this journal is the chronicle of my efforts to adapt to these changes. Downpower, of course, refers to the need to use less energy – but it also refers to the need for power to be distributed evenly in small amounts rather than piled in the hands of a few. I originally conceived of this as a print zine, but started it as a blog to give myself a little more impetus to keep up with it. I’ll be writing about how I got to where I am; my current thoughts, schemes, goals, and readings; some essays & informational writing, and a journal of my actual activities and progress, peppered with drawings and comics (though there may be more of those in the print version than here online, along with some handwritten bits). I hope to be able to provide some sort of inspiration, and to show that although it may not happen all at once, change is possible. I believe that if enough of us can change in time, we can have a relatively pleasant low-energy future of bicycles, edible landscapes and local community instead of a fascistic ecocidal death-fest.

I hope you’ll join me!

[formerly at http://www.colintedford.com/downpower/2007/11/07/introduction/]

Comments (1)
  1. Colin! Of your two options, the latter (”death-fest”) definitely presents more summer block-buster movie concepts… but nonetheless (or perhaps, “therefore”), I will choose the edible landscape option with you. As long as it isn’t like that game, Candyland.

    I’v been riding my bike more and more this summer. Every day spent without touching a car is a day spent saving the planet!

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